德国马尔便携式表面粗糙度仪PS 10怎样选择正确的滤波
德国马尔便携式表面粗糙度仪PS 10怎样选择正确的滤波
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Surface measuring unit: MarSurf PS 10
粗糙度测量单元:MarSurf PS 10
ISO 4288 requires the selection of the cut-off wavelength of the profile filter to distinguish between periodic and aperiodic surface profiles. Here you will find the basics of surface metrology and the choice of the right filter.
Selection of the cut-off wavelength.
Following procedure is recommended:
Trial measurement λc = 0.8 mm to determine the parameters RSm, Rz and Ra
假设以λc =0.8mm来测定参数RSm,Rz和Ra
Assessment of the profile
For a clearly recognizable periodic profile: choice of cut-off wavelength according to the parameter RSm from the table depicted below
Otherwise: choice of cut-off wavelength λc according to Rz and /or Ra
If the selection of λc = 0.8 already leads to a positive result, it must be as certained whether or not the next smaller λc value is also compliant with the standard specifications: For a filter setting according to standards, the smallest possible λc value must always be selected that matches the table values according to ISO 4288.
Cut-off wavelength λc
Recommendations for selecting the cut-off wavelength λc
Visual inspection and / or nail test – test area clean, periodic or aperiodic?
Automatic selection of λc, if possible – otherwise: λc selection after visual inspection, experience or tolerance specification
Possibly. Correction of λc according to ISO table
Repetition of the measurement with next shorter λc-value – important especially in case of tolerance excesses!
ISO 4288 标准为周期性和非周期性表面轮廓的截止波长λ肠 提供了精确的规范依据。
最新出版的DIN EN ISO 4287,有许多表面特性可供选择。然而,不同的参数在实践中也被赋予不同的含义。这些特征中仅少数参数被应用或被国际接受。
Meaning of the most common parameters
Average roughness Rz
The average roughness depth Rz is the arithmetic mean of the individual roughness values: the sum of the Rzi values is divided by the number of measured individual measuring distances Ir. Like Rmax, Rz is a measure of the surface roughness perpendicular to the test surface. Rz, however, depends less than Rmax on individual profile features: for repeat measurements, Rz values scatter less than Rmax values.
Forexample: Rz = Σ Rzi / 5.
例如:Rz = Σ Rzi / 5.
Mean roughness value Ra
The arithmetic mean roughness value Ra is the arithmetic mean of the values of all profile values of the roughness profile. Ra is the most commonly used roughness parameter in the world. It is easy to measure, well reproducible in repeat measurements, but makes almost no statement about the characteristics of individual profile features. It is therefore only suitable for evaluating the function of workpiece surfaces in combination with other surface parameters described here.
了解更多对于德国马尔便携式表面粗糙度仪PS 10资讯,敬请联系
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